Passing the Torch: Planning for Business Succession

Passing the Torch: Planning for Business Succession

Passing the Torch: Planning for Business Succession For many business owners, their enterprise is more than just a job—it’s a legacy. Ensuring that this legacy continues after retirement, or in the event of an unforeseen circumstance, is crucial. This is where...
Why Your Business Needs Insurance

Why Your Business Needs Insurance

There is a lot riding on your small business. You have invested your money, time, and sweat equity to build a company that will be successful for years to come. Even if you make all the right business moves, unexpected costs can arise at any time. Accidents, natural...
Business Wellness Check!

Business Wellness Check!

How Attorney Leigh Cowden Can Support Your Business Wellness in 2023 January is when we turn the calendar ahead to a new year that is full of hope and fresh opportunities. Recognized as Financial Wellness Month, January is an ideal time to set business goals for the...
Why Are LLCs So Popular?

Why Are LLCs So Popular?

There are two main reasons why a particular entity is chosen, be it an LLC, S-Corporation, C-Corporation, or some form of partnership: tax treatment of profits and risk management. Other considerations may weigh in, but these are usually top of mind for most new...